Anglo American take up rental of 16 Komatsu 830E electric drive dump trucks

Following the impressive acquisition by National Group’s leading brand- National Plant & Equipment, of an additional 16 Komatsu 830E electric drive dump trucks into the Australian market, it didn’t take long for client, Anglo American to take up the opportunity to secure a long-term hire for the 12 new machines and request an additional four machines for their Capcoal Surface Operations.
The dump trucks, measuring in at just under 7 metres high and 8 metres wide each, made news last year when they were delivered and assembled at the National Plant & Equipment site in Yatala in late 2017. In what was one of the largest simultaneous equipment builds the team had ever accomplished, especially on such a short timeframe. To give the industry a rare insight into what it takes to assemble these sizeable trucks, it was all captured on an awe-inspiring time lapse video.
The high performing mining truck, which boasts one of the lowest cost per tonne operations, is considered a leader in the 240-tonne class range. They are of high demand in the Australian market, yet extremely difficult to come by, making the acquisition one of the most talked about in the industry in recent times.
Making the unprecedented purchase, understanding the demand for them in the Australian mining industry, was National Plant & Equipment CEO Mark Ackroyd, who says that “giving mining companies the option to rent these hugely efficient trucks means they can fluctuate with the supply and demand of their projects and not worry about capital expenditure.”
Initially transported to the Yatala site for a full build to ensure they were in perfect working order, 12 of the new Komatsu 830E’s have since been mobilised to Anglo American’s Capcoal Surface Operations mine, located in the Bowen Basin in Central Queensland. Due to their size and weight, the massive effort required weeks of planning and coordination, including a partial disassembly of the vehicles, coupled with batch deliveries in the cover of night, accompanied by escort vehicles, with final reassembly taking place upon arrival on site.
The 16 Komatsu 830Es is an impressive addition to National Plant & Equipment’s already large and ever-growing fleet. However, it doesn’t stop there with the team already making plans to acquire and expand further in 2018.